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Things Most Mom Does With Their Baby When They're Bored At Home

Monday 5 June 2017

Having a baby at home is awesome! It's mystical! It like nothing you've ever experienced! It's also boring as well. On the off chance that you've even been through a long day at home alone with your baby, you know it can now and then feel like an never-ending stretch of nothingness broken by diaper changes. Furthermore, you've likely in any event done a couple of these things to help pass the time.

1. They Take Photos Of Their Baby

Nothing says "I'm bored at home with my baby" like filling your phone with delightful, 'grammable photographs of your child to the point where your storage gets full. Baby having his bath. Mother and Baby Selfie. Baby in an adorable outfit. Of course, they're all basically the same photo, but your baby looks adorable AF in each and every one.

2. Stand Before The Full-Length Mirror Carrying The Baby And Saying "Look Who We Have Here" In An Anomalous Sharp Voice

You were an alto when you sang in high school chorus, yet by one means or another you are now able  to raise your voice 17 octaves when chatting with your baby before a mirror.

3. Read Baby's Books Despite The Fact That The Baby Really Don't Care

Some barenting book in some place said mum should begin reading to kids the second they're born (that is, if you didn't begin before they were born) and you have 10 hours to kill.
Who cares if your baby can't hold her head up, not to talk of understanding a story.

4. Bath Them

Nothing kills time like cleanliness. Who cares on the off chance that you haven't showered in three days? Your child's practically shining.

5. Write Up To 40 Rambling Oversharing Post On Their Super-cool Mother Facebook Community

Who cares on the off chance that you've never really met the majority of these mothers IRL. They're the main people on the planet to whom you can say, "My nipples are broken and bleeding and I've cried three times toward the beginning of today!" and get zero comments in return. You let them know everything! Alright, well, perhaps not everything — you have a saved draft of a post about your endless struggle with hemorrhoids that you haven't been bold enough to hit The 'send' button. Be that as it may, perhaps that day is the day!

6. Play Lemonade Completely To Begin Training The Baby In The Tao Of Bey

On the off chance that there's one thing every baby needs to learn within the near future, it's that Beyoncรฉ is the most important, influential, and essential human on the planet. Each mother trapped at home with a new baby has wrenched up Lemonade and sung her way through the whole album as hormone tears spill down her face.

7. Pack Up Diaper Bag, Strap The Baby In The Carrier, Leave The House, Perceive A Poop, Walk Back Into To The House And Totally Abandon The Idea Of Ever Going Out Again 

The primary rule of Leaving The House With A Baby is that You Don't Leave The House With A Baby. The second rule of Leaving The House With A Baby is that It Eventually Gets Easier. The third rule? Have A Congratulatory Glass Of Wine The Second You Make It Out The Door.

8. Eat Everything But An Actual Home-cooked Meal

One day you'll get around to cooking once more. Until further notice, it's only an interminable stream of snacks you push in your mouth while standing, those incredibly delicious cookies your associates brought over, and whatever old takeout is kept in your fridge.

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