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20 Ways To Avoid Adultery In Your Marriage

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Do you know that you can avoid infidelity easily? Yes if you're really determined it is within your power and grace of God to avoid it.

Carelessness is one of the major reason for issue in marriage not the devil or bad relations in the real sense of it as some people dependably assert when they fall into mistake. So below are simple rules you need to avoid  falling into infidelity:

1. Don't ever make your opposite sex your closest and best friend with whom you share intimate conversations.

2. Don't be with your opposite sex at the time your partner should never know you are there.

3. Don't speak fiendish about your spouse in the presence of anyone, they will know you are not happy in your marriage and take advantage of that by indicating you fake care and give you what you don't get from your spouse and ruin you.

4. Don't visit a site/blog you won't be pleased to tell your kids and spouse you visited.

5. Abstain from keeping secrets from your partner, AFFAIR thrive in secrecy.

6. Abstain from trusting people of the opposite sex, there ought to be those of your sex you can converse with, don't arrange the downfall of your marriage with your mouth.

7. Abstain from receiving spontaneous gift and support from opposite sex. They will request sex consequently, they are not Santa Claus.

8. Avoid thinking that anyone is better or good looking than your spouse, you don't recognize what their partners are facing at home,what you are seeing outside is only a cover, don't be deceived. Grass is just greener in the other compound because it is far from you.

9. Divert all your sexual dream towards your mate. He or she is planted into your life to fulfill you and keep you holy.

10. Don't forget that whatever any lady or man has in his or her body, your partner has it as well and they are not different from each other, however if anyone is better it is your spouse's own.

11. Handle any sexual thoughts that is not coordinated towards your partner, kill it before it kills you. Sexual mistake don't start in the room, it starts in the heart.

12. Before traveling, spend much time with your spouse and put your mind to it that you won't have intercourse until you returned, that choice may save your life and destiny.

13. Men, abstain from eyeing the front and back side of women and envision what is there, it is imbecilic, foolish and dirty to do that, that is what is called desire, what is there is not different from what your spouse has.

14. Walk in company with good and Godly men/ladies, on the off chance that you keep company with adulterer, you will end up being one.

15. Converse your sexual desire with your partner and let it be met at home, don't chase something that will chase you later and hurt you deeply tomorrow, your spouse has the best, get it at home.

16. Fill your heart with the word of God always, this won't give lust a place in your thinking.

17. Always think about the cost of adultery, don't be deceived by the pleasure in it, look at the harm, loss of integrity, how you will hurt your spouse, kids, friends, family and above all GOD the almighty.

18. Never forget that the happiness, enjoyment and the thrills that is in sex is only 10 seconds or less, it can not be more than that but its repercussions can last forever. Why exchanging eternity for 10 seconds, is there wisdom in that?

19. Mind the kind of discussion you have with you opposite sex and the type of words you utilize.

20. Pray consistently for the grace, your spouse and your marriage.


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